How to transform skin cancer detection and save lives with teledermoscopy?

Dermtest started in 2013 as a local teledermoscopy project for early melanoma detection between 2 rural GP-offices and the largest dermato-oncology clinic in the capital of Estonia.

In 2014 Dermtest was spinned off into a separate company for providing the technology internationally. The system has been presented at a number of clinical conferences, including World Congress of Dermoscopy and World Congress of Teledermatology and has been clinically evaluated in the world’s largest real-life study (N = 4150) on teledermoscopy (to be published in 2023).

Dermtest saves lives with early skin cancer detection via store-and-forward photo-based teledermoscopy. The software platform connects general practitioners and small clinics with dermatologists to provide a mole-check service to patients at their local clinics.

Dermtest is the initial visual-first care model developed by the company and is now accessible in 100% of regions in Estonia. It’s also publicly reimbursed in Germany by public health insurance BKK-VBU in Saxony and Berlin.

By facilitating melanoma prevention through early detection, Dermtest teledermoscopy empowers general practitioners in fighting the deadliest type of skin cancer. It brings remote specialist diagnosis and management plans closer to patients.

The service enables capturing dermoscopic photos for discovering early changes in moles that may develop into malignant skin tumors and enables reacting quickly with a treatment plan.

As a solution provider, Dermtest combines its software with off-the-shelf diagnostic hardware into a streamlined work-flow. Dermtest increases access to care, quality and cost-efficiency and reduces melanoma mortality, while saving millions to societies, as early detection of melanoma is 15 times more cost-effective than late detection.

Good fit for:

  • Individual GP-practices
  • Urgent care providers
  • Clinic networks
  • Insurances and governments